Citation - Georgia Gazette (Johnston): 1768.07.13

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Index Entry Epigram [t] [beg] Since downy Doctors spend their time 
Location Oxford 
13 Jul 1768:31,32 (250)
Extract of a letter from Oxford.  Friday last, the 11th of
March, 1768, six students belonging to Ed--d Hall were
expelled the University, after an hearing of several hours,
for holding methodistical tenets, and taking upon them to
pray, read or expound the scriptures, and sing hymns, in
private houses.  The Principal of the Hall defended their
doctrines from the thirty-nine articles of the established
church, spoke in the highest terms of the piety and
exemplariness of their lives, but this motion was over-
ruled, and sentence pronounced against them. . . [29 lines]
Since downy Doctors spend their time,
In prating news and drinking wine;
Why should young fellows with grave face,
Pretend to piety and grace?
Our Reverendissimo's can sing,
English Roast Beef, God save the King;
Can crack a joke, or let a f--t,
In College kiss, when in the dark;
This and what's funny I can tell,
These learned Rabbies love full well.
But when young striplings will begin
To talk of God, to pray and sing;
The Dons conspire with all their might,
To expel Religion from their sight. [signed] Observor

Generic Title Georgia Gazette (Johnston) 
Date 1768.07.13 
Publisher Johnston, James 
City, State Savannah, GA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0017287
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